pastoral care
Any parishioner may call at any time during the day or night, seven days a week, in the event of a pastoral crisis such as a death in the family, serious illness, an accident, or any other pastoral emergency.
If possible, a priest should be called whenever someone is near death in order to administer Last Rites and pray with the family.
Please contact the Pastoral Care Team at Trinity Episcopal Church:
When someone is ill or hospitalized.
When someone is experiencing distress and needs pastoral care.
When someone wants to discuss spiritual or theological matters.
When someone has reason to celebrate.
When someone wishes to talk in order to gain spiritual comfort.
Any parishioner may call the church office in order to set up an appointment for a non-crisis visitation.
Hospital Visits
When parishioners are sick and /or hospitalized, Pastoral Care at Trinity, once informed, will be happy to make provisions for a scheduled visit. You may request a pre-surgery visit, time spent with the family during surgery, and/or a post-surgery visit. In case of an extended hospital stay, a member of the pastoral care team is available to bring communion or just a spiritual presence.
The goal of our visits is to provide comfort, to pray, to perform the laying on of hands for healing if desired, to share Holy Communion.
To receive a hospital or a medical care oriented facility visit, contact the church office. Please do not presume others will notify us for you.
Parish Prayer List
The parish prayer list is updated monthly and includes a section for both parishioners and friends/loved ones of parishioners. Parishioners on the prayer list are listed in the Sunday bulletin. To include a name contact the church office. If you would like to be prayed for but do not want to appear on the Parish Prayer List, you may speak to a member of the clergy directly.
Home Visits
When parishioners are home bound, the goal of our visits is to provide comfort, to pray, to perform the laying on of hands for healing if desired and to share Holy Communion.
To receive a home visit, contact the church office. Please do not presume others will notify us for you.
Eucharistic Visitors
As part of our Pastoral Care Team, we do have trained lay Eucharistic Visitors to provide the sacrament of Holy Communion to those who are hospitalized,home-bound, or in nursing homes. Those engaged in this ministry must be licensed by the bishop and undergo a diocesan training session.
House Blessing
Occupying a new home can be a joyous occasion. The clergy of Trinity Episcopal church are available to help sanctify your new home by offering a blessing on behalf of the church.
Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child
The clergy of Trinity Episcopal church are always delighted to come to the hospital the day of or after childbirth to offer a brief service of thanksgiving. It is particularly appropriate to include any siblings and close family members in this joyous occasion.
Pastoral Counseling
As is true with most parish clergy, the priest at Trinity Episcopal church is not a certified and trained professional counselor. He is, of course, willing to listen carefully, offer encouragement and challenging direction if appropriate, provide spiritual insight and perspective on a given situation, make an assessment of what is needed, and make appropriate referrals to individuals who are certified and trained to respond to certain needs.
For more specific information concerning our Pastoral Care programs, please contact The Rev Kyle Bennett email: KYLE@TRINITYINTHEPASS.COM, or call 239-784-2023.
Click headline above to email the church.
The Pastoral Care team would like to offer up a new Intercessory Prayer Group. The idea is to give those of you who would like to pray the opportunity to join a group text that will be committed to offering up prayers for those members of Trinity and their families’ concerns and blessings. We will also be praying for other requests for people that we receive that our church community would also wish to be prayed for. The first group will be publicized in the bulletin. Both groups will be offered up by name at our Tuesday service of morning prayer. To add names to either list you are invited to call or email the church office as well as submit names in a new “Prayer Request” box located in the back of the church. Yes, you may submit your own name. If you add a name, please keep us updated with any changes.