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Mardi Gras Parking Ministry
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Greetings and Welcome to the 2025 Mardi Gras Pass Parade Trinity Parking Event!

We want to first thank you for your past participation in the Trinity Episcopal Church parking for the Pass Christian Mardi Gras Parade. We are grateful for the people who help us keep our property safe and inviting. As a small congregation we have found the increased number of people on the property for the Mardi Gras parade too overwhelming. For Trinity to continue offering our grounds as a parade watching site, we have implemented several changes for next year.

  • To reserve a parking spot, you must go online to WWW.TRINITYINTHEPASS.COM, starting January 15th at 8 AM. This is the only way to purchase tickets/spots. We expect all the front row parade spaces to be reserved quickly. The public will be invited to access the website at 9 AM via Facebook.

  • The number of parking spots available on Trinity’s premises have significantly been reduced. If you have invited people to watch in your spot they may need to park off site.

  • Each available parking spot size has been doubled.

  • Prices for parking spots will range from $75 - $300 depending on the location. Prices will be identified on the website parking map.

  • No parking is allowed in the Dog Park and all parking spots in front of the Dog Park are no longer available as they are reserved by Trinity for their use.

  • There will be 50 porta-lets provided for your use including 48 singles and 2 ADA accessible. Private porta-let's are prohibited.

  • Political flags and/or signage are prohibited.

  • No trash cans will be set out or available on the property, everyone is responsible to leave no trace taking away what is brought in. It is expected that everyone will help your neighbors too.

  • No RVs or trailers will be permitted on the property. Only cars, golf carts, SUVs, vans, and pick-up trucks are allowed.

We understand you have choices as to where to watch the Mardi Gras Pass Parade and we want you to be aware of these changes in case you make the decision to watch it in a different location. If you have questions, please email

Thank you.

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125 Church Avenue

Pass Christian, MS 39571

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