Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is funded primarily through parishioner donations with occasional fundraisers. It covers the normal weekly expenses related to church flowers, plus extra floral expenses of Christmas and Easter, flowers for special occasions open to the entire congregation, and all floral supplies.
The Flower Guild funds are also used for educational materials and occasional floral training for Flower Guild members, the addition and the repair of flower containers.
Through out the year we offer the opportunity to dedicate Sunday altar flowers in memory, celebration, or in honor of a loved one, birthday, anniversary, or special occasion for $70.
Please sign up as you leave church or drop by the office Monday- Friday between 8am - 12pm.
The sign-up chart along with instructions is located in the front entrance of the church.
Otherwise give us a call or email.
Please make checks payable to:
Trinity Episcopal Church
(Memo: Flower Fund)

Calling All Flower Lovers
If you would like to join us in this ministry, we would love to have you. No prior flower arranging skill is required. We will provide on the job training. To be a member of this exciting ministry, please contact us using the email link or phone number below, or contact Diann Hightower: 504-220-4917
Famous Arrangements
By: Trinity Flower Team